• 姓名: 胡金勇
  • 职称: 讲师
  • 学位: 博士
  • 湘潭大学
  • 物理与光电工程学院

胡金勇,男,湖南邵阳人,中共党员,博士,硕士生导师。2018年9月至今,在湘潭大学物理与光电工程学院从事教学研究工作。2018年6月于中山大学获光学专业博士学位,主要从事微纳光电传感器件的设计及其性能优化方面的研究。近年来,主持国自科青年基金项目1项、省级项目4项,在Acs AMI、 Sens. Actuator B-CHEM、Nanoscale、Optics Express 等国内外知名期刊发表论文近20篇,授权专利2项。


1 )微纳光电传感器件的设计及其性能优化。

2 )微纳光电器件在气体分子探测以及单分子传感中的应用研究。

3 )等离激元纳米结构的光场调控及其与物质相互作用的理论研究。



1 、国自科青年科学基金项目, 基于 LSPR 效应的可见光辅助型 TMDs 基气体传感器对痕量气体高效识别的研究 62101477 30 万, 2022-2024 年,项目负责人;

2 、湖南省自科青年基金项目, 可见光诱导的 LSPR 增强 Au@MoS2 核壳纳米异质结的痕量 NO2 气敏特性研究 2021JJ40542 5 万, 2021-2023 年,项目负责人;

3 湖南省教育厅一般项目, 基于单颗粒纳米金棒的单分子 FRET 调控机制研究 19C1739 2 万, 2019-2021 年,项目负责人;

4 湘潭大学科研启动项目, 哑铃纳米天线单分子信号放大器的优化设计 18QDZ39 5 万, 2018-2021 年,项目负责人。


[1] Jinyong Hu ,Xiqi Chen, Yong Zhang*, Batch fabrication of formaldehyde sensors based on LaFeO3 thin film with ppb-level detection limit,  Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical ,  2021, 349, 130378. (一作,中科院一区TOP,IF:7.460)

[2]   Jinyong Hu, Meiyan Wu, Li Jiang, Zhensheng Zhong, Zhangkai Zhou, Thitima Rujiralai and Jie Ma*. Combining Gold Nanoparticle Antennas with Single Molecule Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (smFRET) to Study DNA Hairpin Dynamics.  Nanoscale , 2018, 10, 6611-6619. (中科院一区TOP,IF:7.790)

[3] Xiqi Chen#,  Jinyong Hu # ,Pei Chen, Mengqi Yin, Fanpu Meng, Yong Zhang*, UV-light-assisted NO2 gas sensor based on WS2/PbS heterostructures with full recoverability and reliable anti-humidity ability,  Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical ,  2021, 339, 129902. ( #共同一作,中科院一区TOP,IF:7.460)

[4] Junjiang Tan;  Jinyong Hu*; Jianxu Ren; Jinfeng Peng; Can Liu; Yiqiao Song; Yong Zhang*; Fast response speed of mechanically exfoliated MoS2 modified by PbS in detecting NO2,  Chinese Chemical Letters, 2020, 31, 2103-2108.(*通讯作者,JCR一区,IF:6.779)

[5] Pei Chen#,  Jinyong Hu#, Mengqi Yin, Wangdi Bai, Xiqi Chen, and Yong Zhang*, MoS2 Nanoflowers Decorated with Au Nanoparticles for Visible-Light-Enhanced Gas Sensing,  ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2021, 4, 6, 5981–5991. ( #共同一作,IF:5.097)

[6] Jia-Bei Liu, Jin-Yong Hu* , Can Liu, Yu-Ming Tan, Xiang Peng, Yong Zhang* .Mechanically exfoliated MoS2 nanosheets decorated with SnS2nanoparticles for high-stability gas sensors at room temperature.  Rare Metals 2021, 40, 6:1536-1544.(*通讯作者,JCR小类一区,IF:4.003).

[7] Jinyong Hu*, Chuxuan Tan, Wangdi Bai, Yiming Li, Qi Lin and Ling-Ling Wang. Dielectric nanocavity-coupled surface lattice resonances for high-efficiency plasmonic sensing.  J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys .  2022, 55, 075105 (*通讯作者,JCR二区). https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/ac31f2 

[8] Mengqi Yin#,  Jinyong Hu#, Mingpeng Huang, Pei Chen, and Yong Zhang*, Moisture-induced reversible material transition behavior of Nickel (II) bromide for low humidity detection,  Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical ,  2021,  331, 112911. ( #共同一作,中科院二区).

[9] Fanpu Meng#,  Jinyong Hu#, Can Liu, Yuming Tan, and Yong Zhang*, Highly sensitive and low detection limit of acetone gas sensor based on porous YbFeO3 nanocrystallines, Chemical Physics Letters, 2021, 780, 138925. ( #共同一作,中科院三区).

[10] Can Liu,  Jinyong Hu, Guang Wu, Juexian Cao, Zhiyong Zhang, and Yong Zhang*, Carbon Nanotube-Based Field-Effect Transistor-Type Sensor with a Sensing Gate for Ppb-Level Formaldehyde Detection,  ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces , 2021, x, x, xxx–xxxx. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.1c17044  (中科院一区TOP, IF:9.229)

[11] Can Liu, Yong Zhang*,  Jinyong Hu , Jianxu Ren, Yiqiao Song,  Jinfeng Peng*, Mo Ma,  Junjiang Tan. Defects Suppression in MoS2 caused by W doped for enhanced response/recovery behaviors against NO2. Materials Letters, 2020: 127961.

[12] Meiyan Wu, Wenzhao Liu,  Jinyong Hu, Zhensheng Zhong, Thitima Rujiralai, Lidan Zhou, Xinlun Cai, and Jie Ma. Fluorescence enhancement in an over-etched gold zero-mode waveguide[J]. Optics Express, 2019, 27(13): 19002-19018.

[13] Jinyong Hu, Huamao Huang*, Hong Wang, Xiaolong Hu. Light-output Enhancement of GaN-based Light-emitting Diodes with Surface Textured ITO [J]. Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2014, 35(05): 613-617.

[14] Huamao Huang,  Jinyong Hu, Hong Wang*. Light-Output Enhancement of GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diodes with Three-Dimensional Backside Reflectors Patterned by Microscale Cone Array [J]. Scientificworldjournal, 2014, 2014:837586.

[15] Huamao Huang,  Jinyong Hu, Hong Wang*. GaN-based light-emitting diodes with hybrid micro/nano-textured indium-tin-oxide layer [J].Journal of Semiconductors, 2014, 35(08):93-97.

[16] Huamao Huang,  Jinyong Hu, Hong Wang*. GaN-Based Light-Emitting Diode Chip with Patterned Al Backside Reflector [J]. Journal of South China University of Technology, 2014, 42(08): 14-20.

[17] 黄华茂, 王洪,  胡金勇.《一种ITO粗化的GaN基LED芯片及其制备方法》. 中国发明专利,CN201410121785.8,20140328;

[18] Huamao Huang, Hong Wang*, Xiaosheng Huang,  Jinyong Hu. GaN-based high-voltage light-emitting diodes with backside reflector [J]. Journal of Semiconductors, 2014, 35(07): 101-105.
